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天然芸苔素属于甾体类植物内源生物活性物质,其骨架为甾醇,其中芸苔素内酯生物活性最强,被称为第六类植物激素,是高效、广谱、无毒的植物生长调节剂(PGR)。为更好地将芸苔素推广应用于农业生产,本文概括了芸苔素内酯的生物活性及在粮食、果蔬等作物上的应用。探讨了芸苔素内酯在提高种子活力,促进作物生长,大幅度促进产量提升以及品质改善,提升作物抗逆性,缓解农药对作物影响的研究概况及取得的进展,指出了芸苔素内酯的应用是作物增产增收的关键途径,同时,能够减少化肥、农药的施用量,减少作物种植成本与减轻环境污染,将带来显著的经济效益。  相似文献   
吴汪友 《保鲜与加工》2019,19(5):165-169
根据水果的特点和社会消费需求的趋势,总结鲜果电商物流存在的问题,探讨铁邮协同的鲜果电商物流优势,分析其中转耗时及投送区域,并明确该模式的运行主体及分工、运作关键环节、成本控制与收益分配,以此为铁邮协同开展鲜果电商物流提供参考。  相似文献   
夫妻双方的年龄、受教育程度、收入以及户籍方面的差异会影响婚后的主观幸福感。夫妻双方的年龄差距越大,生活幸福感越弱,且这种影响更多地存在于男性和农业户籍人口中;夫妻双方的受教育程度差距虽然有利于女性主观幸福感的提升,却会恶化男性的主观幸福感;夫妻双方的收入差距越大,生活幸福感越强,且对于女性和农业户籍人口而言,收入差距对生活幸福感的影响更为显著;与夫妻双方都是农业户籍相比,夫妻双方都是非农业户籍的幸福感更强。夫妻双方的个人特征差异对婚后主观幸福感的影响存在性别与户籍差异。  相似文献   
中国自然保护区多处于地理位置偏僻的贫困落后地区,且在有关法律条文规定下,居民对保护区内资源利用受限,特别是核心区和缓冲区中众多的社区居民给自然保护区管理带来压力,自然保护区保护与社区经济发展之间的矛盾日益凸显。文中通过对重点区域长江经济带国家级自然保护区内居民现状进行调查和分析,探讨不同类型自然保护区内社区居民人口密度、经济水平和自然资源依赖程度的差异,并针对自然保护区内社区发展存在的主要问题包括人口众多、经济水平受限等,提出降低保护区内人口密度、多形式提高居民收入、发展生态旅游和加强可持续经营管理等建议。  相似文献   
Soil surface mulching and planting density regulation are widely used for effective utilization of limited rainwater resources and improvement of crop productivity in dryland farming.However,the combined effects of mulching type and planting density on maize growth and yield have been seldom studied,especially in different hydrological years.A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of mulching type and planting density on the soil temperature,growth,grain yield(GY),water use efficiency(WUE)and economic benefit of rainfed maize in the drylands of northern China during 2015-2017.Precipitation fluctuated over the three years.There were four mulching types(NM,flat cultivation with non-mulching;SM,flat cultivation with straw mulching;RP,plastic-mulched ridge plus bare furrow;RPFS,plastic-mulched ridge plus straw-mulched furrow)and three planting densities(LD,low planting density,45.0×10^3 plants/hm^2;MD,medium planting density,67.5×10^3 plants/hm^2;HD,high planting density,90.0×10^3 plants/hm^2).Results showed that soil temperature was higher with RP and lower with SM compared with NM,but no significant difference was found between RPFS and NM.More soil water was retained by soil mulching at the early growth stage,but it significantly varied at the middle and late growth stages.Maize growth was significantly improved by soil mulching.With increasing planting density,stem diameter,net photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content tended to decline,whereas a single-peak trend in biomass yield was observed.Mulching type and planting density did not have significant effect on evapotranspiration(ET),but GY and WUE were significantly affected.There were significant interacting effects of mulching type and planting density on biomass yield,GY,ET and WUE.Compared with NM,RPFS,RP and SM increased GY by 57.5%,50.8%and 18.9%,and increased WUE by 66.6%,54.3%and 18.1%,respectively.At MD,GY increased by 41.4%and 25.2%,and WUE increased by 38.6%and 22.4%compared with those of at LD and HD.The highest maize GY(7023.2 kg/hm^2)was observed under MD+RPFS,but the value(6699.1 kg/hm^2)was insignificant under MD+RP.Similar trends were observed for WUE under MD+RP and MD+RPFS,but no significant difference was observed between these two combinations.In terms of economic benefit,net income under MD+RP was the highest with a 9.8%increase compared with that of under MD+RPFS.Therefore,we concluded that RP cultivation pattern with a suitable planting density(67.5×10^3 plants/hm^2)is promising for rainwater resources utilization and maize production in the drylands of northern China.  相似文献   
This study examines the impact of cash crop cultivation on household income and migration decisions, using survey data collected from low-income regions in China. Given farmers decide themselves whether to cultivate cash crops, an endogenous treatment regression model that accounts for potential selection bias issue is used to analyze the data. The empirical results show that cash crop cultivation exerts a positive and statistically significant impact on household income, but it does not affect household migration decisions significantly. The disaggregated analyses reveal that cash crop cultivation significantly increases farm income but decreases off-farm income.  相似文献   
自信息化时代以来,大数据时代是继物联网、云计算的又一次技术变革,这次变革加速了传统农业向数字农业、信息农业的转变。智慧农业的发展,创造了多维的与农业有关的数据。阐述了在农产品种植前的规划、种植时的管理和收获之后的营销,在已有的数据中挖掘可用的信息,农民可以准确掌握市场供需情况,合理安排种植,做到精准农业,帮助农民提升收入。  相似文献   
【目的】探索水稻蓄雨间歇灌溉模式节水减排效益。【方法】以鄱阳湖区双季早晚稻为试验材料,采用大田和测坑试验,研究了水稻蓄雨间歇灌溉模式对灌溉定额、排水定额、降雨有效利用率、产量、稻田水分生产率,以及氮、磷排放量的影响,并与间歇灌溉和常规淹水灌溉试验进行了分析比较。【结果】与淹水灌溉、间歇灌溉相比,蓄雨间歇灌溉灌排水量、灌排次数明显减少。双季早晚稻年平均灌水量分别减少975m^3/hm^2和1251m^3/hm^2,年平均灌水次数分别减少8次和7.5次;年平均排水量分别减少729 m^3/hm^2和893 m^3/hm^2,年平均排水次数分别减少5.8次和3.1次;蓄雨间歇灌溉降雨有效利用率明显提高。早稻降雨利用率分别提高12.40%和9.14%,晚稻分别提高6.84%和6.42%;蓄雨间歇灌溉模式下,双季早晚稻总氮排放量年平均减排7.64 kg/hm^2和3.12 kg/hm^2,减排幅度34.93%和14.26%;双季早晚稻总磷排放量0.180kg/hm^2和0.095kg/hm^2,减排幅度37.25%和70.59%。【结论】蓄雨间歇灌溉模式具有明显的节水、减排和提高降雨有效利用率的效果,在我国南方多雨地区具有较强的推广应用空间。  相似文献   
泰州市稻田综合种养产业发展分析及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统阐述了泰州市稻田综合种养产业的发展现状,包括分布区域、经营主体、种养模式等,统计了不同种养模式的应用面积、产量及收益,对稻田综合种养及常规稻麦种植两种模式下的经济效益进行了对比。结果表明,稻田综合种养模式能显著提高土地利用率,促进当地农业增效和农民增收。通过对稻田综合种养模式推广应用过程中的比较优势以及存在问题进行系统分析,提出了针对性的解决措施和建议。  相似文献   
以6个农村宅基地制度改革试点县(市、区)的885户农户面板数据为基础,采用倾向评分匹配法和双重差分法,分别以农民年人均收入和农民年人均财产性收入作为被解释变量,分析在固定年份效应和固定农户效应前提下的宅基地制度改革对促进农民增收的影响程度。结果表明:宅基地制度改革能促进农民年人均财产性收入增长,但对促进农民年人均收入增长没有显著影响。因此,要通过农村宅基地制度改革来促进农民增收,需要重点聚焦如何提高农民财产性收入。建议推进城镇化,引进市场机制,配套相关改革措施。  相似文献   
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